Wher can I get this wonderful stone necklace?

stone necklace

I've found this wonderful stone necklace, but WHERE can I get it (or a similar one)? Please help me!
Do you like it, too? At the moment I'm so addicted to stone: stone rings, stone necklaces (longer ones) and now this one. :)


Unknown hat gesagt…
Heii sarah :)
Woah die chetti isch ächt hammer!!
Ich bin ja gad in amerika, ich chumme nümme los vom
Shopping ^^ es isch so cool :))
Bin im urban outfitters gsi und das isch eifach min favorite
Shop! Det heds so cooli assecsoires. Aber leider chli tür :(
Musch mal uf em internet luege:
Da gids en ähnlichi chetti, die isch aber halb so schön, leider :(
aber susch hets au anderst schöne steischmuck!!
Love, pascale

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