violet points
der schal ist ein geburtstagsgeschenkt, ich finde ihn wunderbar. :)
heute kam endlich mal die sonne heraus und am morgen habe ich in der zeitung gelesen, dass es am wochenende 25 grad werden soll! ich vermisse den sommer so.
the scarf is a birthday present. I like it :)
finally the sun is shinning. and today I saw in the newspaper that in the weekend it will be 25 degrees! I miss summer.
look of the day
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I'm wearing:
blazer, leggins and shoes from H&M
shorts from Zara
shirt is old
scarf a birthday present (nulu)
bag from a flea market (Esprit)
necklace from Thomas Sabo
bracelets from "Croatia"
earrings from Claire's
heute kam endlich mal die sonne heraus und am morgen habe ich in der zeitung gelesen, dass es am wochenende 25 grad werden soll! ich vermisse den sommer so.
the scarf is a birthday present. I like it :)
finally the sun is shinning. and today I saw in the newspaper that in the weekend it will be 25 degrees! I miss summer.
look of the day
please follow me with bloglovin'
I'm wearing:
blazer, leggins and shoes from H&M
shorts from Zara
shirt is old
scarf a birthday present (nulu)
bag from a flea market (Esprit)
necklace from Thomas Sabo
bracelets from "Croatia"
earrings from Claire's