The Holidays
The Mountains, Wengen (Switzerland)
I was there with my friends family. We enjoyed the sun, were in the Spa, went sledding, did ice skating and drunk hot wine punch, just had some great time! :)
I was there with my friends family. We enjoyed the sun, were in the Spa, went sledding, did ice skating and drunk hot wine punch, just had some great time! :)
I was there for three days and we shopped all the days long! :) then in the evening we ate some delicious italian food. on friday we were also in club for dancing, it was soo cool. on saturday we went to vintage/fleamarket. If you ever are in Milan go there, it^s the best! it's near the porta ticinese.
momentan herrscht en riese hype um die stadt. aber ich gahn öfters, han halt familie det und denn werdends scho es paar mal im jahr und sie isch toll zum shoppe. aber mini gross liebi isch LONDON (:
gell du chunsch am samstig au?
bis am samschtig süsse!xx
Excuse my English!