Naketano trainers

Thanks NAKETANO for this amazing trainers! They are so soft and comfy and the fabric is awesome.
And the best is that Naketano offers to everyone of you 20€ discount (minimum shopping 40€)! You just have to fill in this CODE: BL_n5tNnwXa at your order. So go shopping! ;)

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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20€ discount code: BL_n5tNnwXa
(valid until the 8 of Mai 2012)


Lea hat gesagt…
Naketano verseucht die Bloggerlandschaft seit langem. Kauft da wirklich jemand was? Ich nehme doch richtig an, dass die Hose gesponsert wurde?

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